Test Materials: TAPPI T816 requires corrugated or solid fiberboard samples. The test materials must be clean, flat, and free from any contaminants that could affect friction measurements. Typically, the fiberboard is conditioned to a standard temperature and humidity before testing.
Test Process: The test is performed by placing a fiberboard sample on a horizontal plane. A standard sled with a known weight is then pulled across the surface, and the force required to move the sled is measured. This is done using a force gauge or other suitable equipment to determine the static friction coefficient between the fiberboard surfaces.
Test Result Interpretation: The coefficient of static friction (μ) is calculated by dividing the force required to initiate motion by the weight of the sled. A higher value indicates greater friction, which may affect handling and stacking characteristics of the fiberboard. Results are compared to industry standards to evaluate material performance.

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