ASTM F2338
Test Materials: ASTM F2338 specifies the use of packaging materials such as flexible and rigid containers, including bottles, pouches, and vials. These materials should be sealed and capable of withstanding the vacuum decay test conditions. The test is typically applied to packages that require leak detection to ensure product integrity.
Test Process: The vacuum decay method involves placing the test package inside a chamber, evacuating the air to a specified vacuum level, and measuring any decay in the vacuum over time. A vacuum gauge detects the rate of pressure change. If the vacuum decays beyond a defined threshold, the package is considered to have a leak.
Test Result Interpretation: Test results are interpreted by analyzing the vacuum decay rate. A rapid decline indicates a leak, while a stable pressure level suggests no leaks. The severity of the leak can be assessed by the rate of decay, which is compared to predefined thresholds to determine whether the package meets the required specifications for leak tightness.
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