ASTM D2063

Test Materials: According to ASTM D2063, the test materials for cap torque testing primarily involve closures, such as bottle caps or lids, and the containers they seal. The closures should be representative of the materials typically used in packaging, including plastics, metals, or composite materials. These materials should be prepared and conditioned in accordance with the standard’s guidelines to ensure accurate results.
Test Process: The test process involves applying torque to a sealed cap to measure its resistance to opening. The test uses a cap torque tester, where the cap is securely held while torque is applied until the closure opens or reaches a specified threshold. The tester’s device should be calibrated to ensure consistent and precise measurement, following ASTM D2063’s specified method.
Test Result Interpretation: Test results are interpreted based on the maximum torque value recorded during the test, which indicates the force required to open the closure. A higher value suggests a stronger seal, while a lower value may indicate a potential for failure in maintaining the seal. The results help determine if the closure meets the required performance standards for packaging integrity.

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