Breaking Loose and Glide Force Testing
—— USP 382 and ISO 7886-1

Važnost testiranja sile loma i klizanja

Break loose and glide force testing is a critical process in the quality control of packaging and medical devices, particularly in syringes. This test measures the force required to initiate movement (break loose force) and maintain movement (glide force) as the syringe plunger is engaged. The importance of these tests lies in their role in ensuring smooth operation, safety, and performance, especially in pharmaceutical and medical applications where precision is essential.

Testing for break loose and glide forces guarantees that syringes perform consistently under various conditions. By adhering to the industry standard USP 382, manufacturers can ensure that their products meet the necessary specifications for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications.

Break Loose Force vs. Glide Force

It’s important to distinguish between break loose force and glide force, as both have distinct implications for syringe performance:

  • Break Loose Force: The initial force required to break the seal between the plunger and the barrel. This force ensures that the syringe will not leak or malfunction when first used.
  • Glide Force: The continuous force required to keep the plunger moving after the initial break loose. It ensures the syringe delivers medication smoothly without sudden jerks or inconsistent flow.

Both forces are measured separately but are essential for understanding the overall performance of the syringe. Proper calibration of both forces guarantees smooth and reliable use.

Standards for Syringe Force Testing

USP 382 i ISO 7886-1 su ključni standardi koji navode zahtjeve za testiranje sile klipa šprica. Ovi standardi osiguravaju da špricevi ispunjavaju visoke performanse i kriterije sigurnosti. USP 382 se fokusira na funkcionalne zahtjeve špriceva, dok ISO 7886-1 Aneks E specificira metode ispitivanja za određivanje sila potrebnih za rad klipa šprica, uključujući test sile potisnog klipa.

USP 382 syringe glide force testing

  • Cilj: Osigurajte funkcionalnost i sigurnost šprica.
  • Parametri: Početna sila, maksimalna sila, trajna sila.
  • značaj: Usklađenost garantuje pouzdan rad šprica u kliničkim uslovima.

ISO 7886-1 syringe glide force testing Annex E

  • Cilj: Izmjerite silu potrebnu za pomicanje klipa kroz cijev šprica pri kontrolisanoj brzini.
  • Procedura: Stavite špricu u tester i pomerajte klip unapred određenom brzinom.
  • Parametri: Početne, maksimalne i trajne sile se mjere i upoređuju sa standardnim granicama.
  • značaj: Osigurava da špricevi ispunjavaju zahtjeve sile, što je ključno za sigurnost i funkcionalnost.

How to Measure Break Loose Glide Force

  1. Priprema: The syringe is secured in a testing machine, and the plunger is positioned for the test.
  2. Break Loose Force Measurement: The initial force required to break the plunger’s seal is measured. This is known as the “break loose force” or the force needed to start the plunger’s movement.
  3. Glide Force Measurement: After the plunger moves, the test measures the continuous force required to keep it moving smoothly. This is called the “glide force.”
  4. Testing Conditions: The test is typically conducted under controlled environmental conditions, such as temperature, to ensure the results reflect real-world usage.

Test Equipment for Break Loose and Glide Force Testing

The Cell Instruments MST-01 Break Loose Glide Force Tester is designed to meet the rigorous demands of medical device testing. It provides precise measurements of the force required to push the plunger of a syringe, ensuring that each syringe meets the high standards of performance and safety required in medical and pharmaceutical applications.

Tehničke specifikacije MST-01

Test Range 50N (ili prema potrebi)
Moždani udar200 mm (bez stezaljke)
Test Speed1~500 mm/min
Preciznost pomaka0.01mm
Preciznost0,5% FS
IzlazEkran, mikro štampač, RS232 (opciono)

Ključne karakteristike i prednosti

  • Pouzdanost i preciznost: Visoka tačnost i pouzdanost sa PLC kontrolom.
  • Jednostavnost upotrebe: Korisničko sučelje za sve nivoe vještina.
  • Trajnost: Izrađen od visokokvalitetnih materijala za dugotrajnu upotrebu.
  • Korisnička podrška: Sveobuhvatna podrška za instalaciju, obuku i održavanje.

FAQs about Break Loose and Glide Force Testing

A1: Testiranje sile labave mjerenja sile koja je potrebna za pokretanje pokreta klipa šprica unutar cijevi.

A2: Testiranje sile klizanja osigurava da se klip šprice pomiče glatko bez pretjerane sile, što je ključno za preciznu i sigurnu isporuku lijekova.

A3: MST-01 mjeri silu potrebnu za potiskivanje klipa šprica, pružajući podatke u realnom vremenu i analizu kako bi se osiguralo da špricevi ispunjavaju standarde performansi.

A4: USP 382 i ISO 7886-1 su ključni standardi koji navode zahtjeve za testiranje sile klipa šprica.

A5: Da, Cell Instruments nudi opcije prilagođavanja za prilagođavanje testera za različite veličine šprica i integraciju dodatnih funkcija.

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